About Us

SR TECHNO LAB focuses on delivering Industrial Products and Services related to IOT based maintenance solutions to some of the largest global manufacturing companies.
Our solutions have helped our clients across different geographies in ASIA PACIFIC, Extensively by enhancing and accelerating their strategic and business objectives.
Our Company Goal is to deliver the quality, value and customer service that you deserve.
One stop & highly relevelent IoT & AI company to drive digital transformation and Industry 4.0 among enterprises. Having focused into deep technologies & continuous innovations.

Our Mission is to provide “Oneshop for All IIOT Solutions.”


Years Experience

Long established fact that reader will be distracted the readable of pages when looking at its layout. The point using lorem ipsum has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters.
Alonso D. Dimoson

Head Of Idea



One shop solution for all the iot capabilities and solutions.


To achieve all the type of industries for one solutions dashboard for multiple KPI


Focuses on delivering Industrial Products and Services related to IOT based solutions to all the largest global manufacturing companies
Our History

Our Company Journey

  • 2000

    Company Foundation

    The sontent provides fully integrated marketing services designed

  • 2004

    Building Solid Team

    The sontent provides fully integrated marketing services designed

  • 2010

    Company Get Award

    The sontent provides fully integrated marketing services designed

  • 2012

    Get 1st Rewards

    The sontent provides fully integrated marketing services designed

  • 2016

    WWC Design Rewards

    The sontent provides fully integrated marketing services designed

  • 2018

    Website Of The Day

    The sontent provides fully integrated marketing services designed

  • 2020

    Design Team Award

    The sontent provides fully integrated marketing services designed

  • 2021

    Achievement On Going

    The sontent provides fully integrated marketing services designed


Management Team

Global Clients From Around The World

We build ideas driven by the future